Tuesday, September 1, 2009


These Two words have been banned from our house. As it turns out these words are usually unfair. They are popular while complaining and when we catch our children using "the words", they end up smiling and try to come up with a different way of expressing their feelings. They realize that their new words make more sense and are much more fair.
Examples of ways they would commonly use these words would be, "you NEVER take us there", and "I ALWAYS have to do this job". I don't have to dispute these arguments anymore. All I do now is give a look and they know. They rephrase, rethink and then restate. I find myself using these words from time to time, my children love to remind me of our family rule!
Pay attention to the use of these words in your home and find out if they are honest in context. Because after all, I am ALWAYS right and would NEVER lead you astray. ;)